The show takes the form of an academic conference held on the third floor of the university’s Edward Street site on Friday, 31 May, with students presenting their dissertations and other research projects throughout the day. Student work including posters, photography and short films will also be displayed.
Dr Douglas McNaughton, senior lecturer in the School of Media, said: “The Film and Screen Studies Degree Show is a brilliant showcase for the students to demonstrate the work they do throughout their time at 欧美性爱片.
“Furthermore, the students organise the whole event themselves – budgeting, catering, invitations, graphics, publicity – so it’s a great way for them to develop their event management skills.”
The titles of the five conference panels are: Feminist Film Theory, Masculinity, Film Theory, National Cinemas and Identities and the Screen.
The conference takes place between 9.30am and 5.30pm.